56 research outputs found

    Excessive and oversized load and transport routes

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    Článek se zabývá problematikou nadměrných a nadrozměrných nákladů a snaží se upozornit na nutnost vybudování „páteřových tras“ pro tuto přepravu. Klíčové trasy používané k přepravě nadměrných a nadrozměrných nákladů, často nesplňují potřebné parametry pro jejich průjezd, jedná se především o nedostatky stavebního uspořádání, svislé dopravní značky, objekty na trase a nevyhovující křižovatky. Strojírenství a těžký průmysl mají v České republice dlouholetou tradici. V současné době nastává pro tyto podniky v tomto rezortu velký hendikep v možnostech přepravitelnosti svých produktů po pozemních komunikacích. Následkem těchto problémů dochází k snižování jejich konkurenceschopnosti zmíněných podniků.The article deals with the problem of excessive and oversized load and trying to draw attention to the need to build the "backbone routes" for this transport. Key routes used for transporting excess load and oversize load, often do the necessary parameters for their passage, it is mainly the lack of building layout, traffic signs, objects on the route and inconvenient intersection. Engineering and heavy industry in the Czech Republic has a long tradition. Currently occurs for these businesses in the resort great handicap in the possibilities of its transportability of products on the road. As a result of these problems is to reduce the competitiveness of the companies

    Assessment of the capacity of roads weaving segments

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    Driving style is affected by development of cars and it has influence on the capacity of designed elements of roads and highways. Therefore, based on research, more accurate methods for assessing the capacity of road infrastructure are being developed. This paper presents the results of the research of weaving segments. It is focused on capacity assessment of these sections within the Czech Republic. Attention is focused especially on weaving segments in urban conditions with high traffic volume and on road sections with a speed limit less than 80 km per hour. Research verified the possibility of using these purposes by existing methodology developed for roads with a speed limit up to 80 km per hour.Web of Science18210610

    Traffic safety at public transport stops

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    Příspěvek upozorňuje na špatný stav zastávek, který vnikl po dobu jejich používání, ale i na špatně provedené rekonstrukce. Chyby při těchto rekonstrukcích znesnadňují používání jak cestujícími tak dopravci. Dříve vybudované zastávky již nevyhovují nově provozovaným vozidlům a některé nové zastávky jsou vybudovány v rozporu z ČSN 73 6425-1 pro jejich projektování. Tyto nedostatky způsobují nebezpečné situace a to při velké četnosti spojů na zastávkách nelze opomíjet.This article highlights the poor state of the bus stops, which occurs during their use, but also poorly made reconstructions. Mistakes in these reconstructions impede the use both for passengers and carriers. Formerly built stations no longer meet the size of newly operated vehicles and some new stations are built in contravention of CSN 73 6425-1 for their design. These deficiencies cause dangerous situations during the high bus frequency at bus stops and can not be ignored


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    The article deals with the problem of passage of excessive transports on the roads and ensuring the necessary height and width parameters for this transport in the Czech Republic. Currently is lack of regulations for the design of communications for transit of excessive and oversized cargo in the Czech Republic. On the basis of these aspects the research in this area was carried out and the parameters were set to ensure the passage of excessive loads on the road. The article describes the issue of transportation in the Czech Republic, created database of transports with its resulting statistical analysis. It also describes the procedure for determining the resulting parameters, which should serve as a basis for the legislation and technical conditions

    Development of the Rudé právo during 1972-1991

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    Diplomová práce Vývoj Rudého práva v období 1972 - 1991 pojednává o činnosti redakce a vývoji tohoto periodika v době, kdy v Československu započala doba normalizace, docházelo k utužování poměrů a zejména čistkám mezi novináři. Jednotlivé tituly musely na tuto situaci reagovat, a to včetně samotného Rudého práva, které bylo ovšem ve výjimečné situaci, jelikož podléhalo přímo direktivám ÚV KSČ. Na stránkách tohoto listu se tak objevovaly jen oficiální informace (politické, společenské, kulturní i sportovní), které odpovídaly ideologii KSČ. Je proto zajímavé sledovat toto periodikum v kontextu dobových událostí a analyzovat jeho činnost v souvislosti s fakty, která nyní máme. Fungování samotné redakce pak vycházelo z jednání a návrhů přijatých na zasedání ÚV KSČ a jeho sekretariátu, jehož členem byl i šéfredaktor Rudého práva. Deník měl automaticky zajištěny nejvyšší příděly novinového papíru, a to i v době na konci 80. let, kdy byla o tuto surovinu skutečná nouze. Po roce 1990, kdy začalo docházet ke konsolidaci tištěných periodik, se Rudé právo přeměnilo v akciovou společnost, jejímž majoritním akcionářem se stal nový šéfredaktor a dosavadní člen redakce Zdeněk Porybný. V nadcházejících letech pak z názvu listu vymizelo slovo "rudé".This thesis Development of the Rudé právo during 1972 - 1991 discusses the activities and developments of this journal and its editors at a time when in Czechoslovakia began the period of normalization, causing compaction ratios and purges especially among journalists. The other titles had to respond to this situation, including the Rudé právo itself, which was, however, in exceptional circumstances, as reported directly to the directives of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. In the Rudé právo so appeared only official information (political, social, cultural and sports), which corresponded to the ideology of the Communist Party. It is therefore interesting to investigate this periodical in the context of contemporary events and to analyze its activities in connection with the fact that we now have. The editor's work was based on the discussions and proposals adopted at a meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and its Secretariat, whose member was also editor in chief of the Rudé právo. The journal had automatically secured the highest allocations of newsprint, even during the late '80s, when it was real shortage of this material. After 1990, when began the consolidation of printed periodicals, the Rudé právo transformed into a joint-stock company whose majority...Department of Media StudiesKatedra mediálních studiíFakulta sociálních vědFaculty of Social Science

    Development of The Rudé právo during 1966-1971

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    Bakalářská práce "Vývoj Rudého práva v období 1966 - 1971" pojednává o činnosti redakce Rudého práva a o vývoji tohoto periodika v době, kdy v Československu docházelo k velkým převratům ve fungování státu a zejména v běžném a kulturním životě. Společnost i politická moc se ve sledovaném období rychle měnily, přičemž na nastalé změny muselo Rudé právo vhodně reagovat. Jako ústřední tiskový orgán Komunistické strany Československa bylo vázáno přímými direktivami předsednictva ústředního výboru strany, obsah tak musel být vždy přizpůsoben politické situaci, vůli představitelů státu a komunistické ideologii. Avšak i ve způsobu práce redaktorů tohoto periodika docházelo ve sledovaném období ke změnám, které byly ovlivněny nejen jejich názorovými střety uvnitř redakce, ale také měnícími se legislativními předpisy v oblasti médií. Výjimečné období ve vývoji Rudého práva představovaly srpnové dny bezprostředně následující po intervenci vojsk zemí Varšavské smlouvy, kdy se list zařadil vedle ostatní periodika té doby, která podporovala politické reformy směřující k demokratizaci Československa. Práce analyzuje vybraný obsah novin a charakterizuje ho v kontextu dobových politických, kulturních a společenských událostí. Popisuje rovněž historickou a technickou problematiku spojenou s vydáváním tohoto...Thesis "Development of The Rudé právo during 1966 - 1971" deals with the activities of the Rudé právo editors and the development of this periodical at the time in Czechoslovakia, when there were great upheavals in the functioning of the state and especially in the current and cultural life. Society and political power in the period has rapidly changed and the Rudé právo had to respond to this occurring changes. As the central press organ of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia was bound by the Communist Party directives, content had always to be adapted to the political situation, will of the state representatives and communist ideology. However, even in the way of the editors work occurred in this period of the changes, that were affected of not only their opinion conflicts within, but also of changing legislative regulations in the media. The exceptional period in the development of the Rudé právo is represented by the August days immediately following the intervention of the Warsaw Pact armies, when the sheet has ranked beside the other periodicals that supported political reforms leading to democratization of Czechoslovakia. The thesis analyzes the selected content of the sheet and characterizes it in the context of contemporary political, cultural and social events. It also describes the...Department of Media StudiesKatedra mediálních studiíFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě

    Thorax measurement and analysis using electrical impedance tomography

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    The article deals with a novel method of visualizing interior of an object based on the measurements made on the boundary. Although an electrical impedance tomography is well established in areas where reference measurement can be easily made (difference method), it is still rather a theoretical approach for areas where reference cannot be taken (mainly in medicine). We have made a thorax measurement using difference method. The results show that electrical impedance tomography can provide valuable information for thorax visualization

    Structural Design of Engineering Objects on Road II/492 in Section Zádveřice - Horní Lhota

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    Import 07/02/2011Práce zapůjčena do soutěžeCílem diplomové práce je zpracování vybraných objektŧ z projektu bakalářské práce rekonstrukce silnice II/492 Zádveřice - Horní Lhota. Řešeny jsou zejména objekty propustkŧ, včetně vyřešení odvedení vody mimo komunikaci, opěrné a zárubní konstrukce a řešení do-pravního značení. Projekt je proveden s podrobnostmi dle směrnice pro dokumentaci staveb pozemních komunikací a vyhlášky 146/2008 o rozsahu a obsahu projektové dokumentace dopravních staveb, v náleţitostech projektové dokumentace pro vydání stavebního povolení.The purpose of this thesis is the proccess of selected objects from the project thesis Reconstruction of road II/492 Zádveřice - Horni Lhota. Addressing particularly the objects of culverts, including water drainage solution off the road, supporting and retaining structures and solutions of road signs. The project is carried out with the details according to guidelines for the documentation of road construction and decree 146/2008 on the extent and content of project documentation of highway construction, in terms of project documentation for acquiring a building permitPrezenční227 - Katedra dopravního stavitelstvívýborn

    The transport of oversized cargoes from the perspective of sustainable transport infrastructure in cities

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    The article deals with the transport of oversized cargoes from the perspective of parameters of road network in city environments. In recent years, there has been an increase in the transport of products with dimensions and weight considered above standard. It is very difficult to transport these products not only within Europe but also worldwide. This is also pointed out in the European directive, which recommends that all EU member states build a pan-European network of corridors for the transport of oversized cargoes. The article analyses the issue of transport within the transport infrastructure in cities from the perspective of sustainability of road networks for ensuring the passage of oversized cargoes. The article describes the results of research that was performed for the determination of parameters to ensure the passage of oversized cargoes on roads. The article also deals with the analysis of implemented transports, the results of video analysis of monitored transports, measurement of swept paths of vehicles using GPS apparatus and drones, modelling of oversized vehicles in programs for verification of the swept paths of vehicles, simulation of passage of oversized cargo, the determination of values of radii of corners, widths and heights for the transport of cargoes and the distance from solid obstacles. The precondition for the above-mentioned outputs is the practical use of results in planning the transport infrastructure on the entire communication network and the possibility of its application for designing activities associated with the construction or reconstruction of intersections on routes of frequent transport of excessive and oversized cargoes and verification of critical points on the route. The outputs of the work serve as a basis for the processing of technical conditions, which include procedures and technical recommendations within the design practice in the Czech Republic but also abroad. Emphasis is placed on sustainable, safe and economic transport infrastructure.Web of Science1310art. no. 552

    The process of setting the parameters for ensuring passage of oversized cargos

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    Engineering and the industry very often produce above-standard products concerning their dimensions and weights. There is often a problem with the transport of these products both within Europe and in subsequent transport all around the world. Because of these reasons, several projects to remedy the situation were implemented in the Czech Republic. The article describes the results of many years of research, which observed ensuring the passage of oversized cargos on roads. Further, the measurements, which were carried out, are presented in this paper - the measurement of an oversized vehicle using Global Positioning System devices, creation and modelling of missing cars in programs to verify the swept path, comparison of created models with the measurement using Global Positioning System devices. Then the results of the implemented researches, the suggested parameters, and modelled cars are used for the suggestion of technical parameters of backbone network of roads. On these roads, the loads are transported. The results are also used for verification of critical points of the route, e.g. problematic places and intersections.Web of Science14344242